Our Story

PCDC is the next evolution of the blog “The Pittsfielder” that was published by me, Nick Russo. Since moving back to Pittsfield in 2016 and living downtown ever since, I want to turn talk into action towards making the city one that residents take pride in, support local entrepreneurship, grow organic public spaces and events, and be a 21st-century small city that exemplifies a high quality of life for all residents, new and old.

Pittsfield Community Design Center has four main goals:

  • Placemaking: Block parties, open streets, and activating public spaces

  • Education: How do roundabouts, bike lanes, road diets, and other road designs make everyone safer?

  • Direct action: Walk audits, workshops, group rides, pop-up events, and project demonstrations.

  • Workspace: Provide a location for resources, supplies, events, and collaboration.

Share your story.

What positive change do you want to see in your neighborhood? Have you seen inspiration in your travels or daily life you want to share? Just want to send some encouragement? Drop a line below.